5th week Class 8 assignment Questions and answer 2021

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5th week Class 8 assignment Questions and answer 2021. Class 8 assignment is very important to the students who have missed this year’s JSC exam 2021. In the previous year, they used to be evaluated following their performance in the yearly board examination. However, as the JSC Exam 2021 is not taking place, the assignment is only the way for 8 students to prove about their hard work. Doing assignments will be very easy for the class 8 student who has studied regularly in 2021.

Class 8 Assignment 5th week

On the other hand, the students who have not studied regularly will face a big problem and will suffer in the run. The student of class 8 have to complete their Bangla, English, Math, Islam (Dhormo), Bangladesh and Global studies, Information Communication and Technology (ICT) subject assignments. They will have to finish the assigned tasks for science (biggan), agriculture (krishi), home economics (gahostro orthoniti) subjects also.


5th week Class 8 assignment Questions and answer 2021

Class 8 5th week  Assignment 2021

It is note for the students that there is no alternative way that you cannot complete the class 8 assignment 2021 answer. Rather, the students of all education board including Dhaka, Rajshahi, Chittagong, Mymensingh, Rangpur, Dinajpur, Barisal, and Sylhet have must go with the direction of the directorate of secondary education. The student of Madrasha, Technical, and vocational also must need to submit their class 8 assignment answer on time with their school.

5th week Class 8 bangla assignment Questions

Each of the education board has published the new syllabus for their students on official website. You can download the secondary and higher secondary revised syllabus at www.dshe.gov.bd 2021 syllabus. In the syllabus, the dshe authority has fixed the course plan of the class 8 students. We have separated the syllabus for class 8 only and uploaded for our eight students. Therefore, download your needed revised syllabus for class 8 5th week assignment.

Class 8 5th week assignment

Class 8 5th week assignment syllabus is available on our website now. In the second week syllabus, the class 8 students had to complete several task. You can get every subject assignment syllabus from our website. Both the class eight second week and 5th and 5th, and 5th week assignment syllabus are available for download. In line with the education ministry, we also publish here all kind and types of assignment and syllabus for every class of any education board.

৮ম শ্রেণি কর্ম ও জীবনমুখী শিক্ষা এ্যাসাইনমেন্ট ২০২১(পঞ্চম সপ্তাহের জন্য)

কর্ম ও জীবনমুখী শিক্ষা এসাইনমেন্ট

ক. বিদ্যালয়ের পাঠাগারে শিক্ষার্থীরা পড়ালেখা করছে। খ. শিক্ষার্থীরা শ্রেণিকক্ষ পরিষ্কার করছে। গ. শ্রেণিতে শিক্ষক পাঠদান করছে। ঘ. শিক্ষক বই বিতরণ করছেন।

৮ম-শ্রেণি-কর্ম-ও-জীবনমুখী-শিক্ষা-এ্যাসাইনমেন্ট - প্রশ্ন-২০২১

কর্ম ও জীবনমুখী শিক্ষা এসাইনমেন্ট উত্তর

5th week Class 8 assignment

Download your assignment no. 5th for the class assignment syllabus for this week from www.dshe.gov.bd 2021 assignment. You should remember that you are directed to finish the assignment before 12 April 2021. There might a possibility of reopening the closed educational institutions in March 2021. Hence, do not wait for upcoming days. Rather, make complete all the assignments as soon as you can do so.Class 8 Assignment 5th week Science

We have provided herewith the class 8 science (began) subject assignment along with its answer. Our students can find the class 8 science assignment pdf against the question found in the 5th week syllabus. If you are trying to access the most relevant answer for your science assignment, you cannot miss it. Because our experts are very much professional in making an assignment for the young children.

So, please look at the below science assignment from the class 8 courses as given in the syllabus in 2021. Our main helper for preparing for any assignment is of that class NCTB original textbook. Our students can also make their biggan assignments very flexibly using their science textbook. Thus, the dependability of us is their priority in every case of emergence for the class 8 learners.

class 8 assignment 5th week 2021 science answer 2021

Class 8 Science Assignment 5th Week Answer 2021

The answer is from your class eight began textbook since then. The promising solution for the science assignment is only accessible on this website. Every and the most person who looks for the answer has got this website very much helpful for the class 8 learners. The 5th week assignment indeed is a very good effort from the government to teach the students about answers.

Class 8 Science Assignment 2021 5th Week Answer is the top priority in this post of excellence. Therefore, only taking by side does not probe your merit on the science subject. But, coming out with a unique and good answer in that case help to attain favor among the teachers. So, find out the relevant topic from the first chapter of your biggan book to make the answer more vulnerable. Thus, you can also download the assignment answer below for your class VIII in 2021 here as the visibility allows.

Download Science Assignment Answer

Class 8 Assignment 5th week 2021

A new addition to the class eight assignment is the arts and crafts subject in 2021 by the education ministry. From now, the students of class 8 will have to read about the charu and karukola subject as per their homework. The 5th week assignment has allowed the students to write some words about the usefulness of this arts and crafts course in 2021. The most important part of this course is it is very easy and flexible to all.

সকল বিষয়ের উত্তর পেতে আমাদের চ্যানেল সাবস্ক্রাইব করে পাশেই থাকুন




Here our team has also added picture or photo of class 8 5th week assignment 2021 of the arts and crafts chapter. This unique subject does only include a single to elaborate by the novices. Here is your question that says how effective this arts and crafts subject is for the class 8 learners in 2021.

class 8 assignment 5th week 2021 arts and crafts

Class 8 Math Assignment Solution

The math assignment syllabus is yet to published by the secondary and higher education directorate authority. We would give the PDF file of the math assignment answer when the question will be published on the official website. The Math assignment answer PDF file has been released on our website just now for the 5th and 5th week. You have to no pressure on you to make the solution of the math assignment solution for your math assignment for the class eight.

Leave you all pressure on us while we are uploading the solution and answer for you giving a room for rest. Therefore, you are very grateful to us for giving a thank for the math solution we have given to you. Now make it possible for you so that you can be expert in math along with other subject of class 9 by doing the tasks of assignment.


Click Here To Download Full Math Answer

Class 8 Agriculture Assignment Solution

Get your copy of the 5th week agriculture assignment answer from here now for class 8 students. The class eight agriculture assignment has been in the list only for your as you are a high school learners in the country. If you want to watch the high school level agriculture assignemnt question and answer in PDF and image or picture file, then you may look below where our team has given every assignemnt answer in 2021 for the class 8.


Class 8 Assignment 5th week English Answer

Here is you answer for class 8 assignment English subject. The class 8 students need to write two particular assignments from their NCTB English Text Book. One is on the Nakshi Kantha while another is how to make / cook firni/ pudding / khichuri in English. The answer of the all assignments has given in this website. You can make search on the search option to look whatever you want to get. Besides, you can also click on the below link to read the following class 8 english assignment.

In the Nakshi Kantha assignment, you have to write on about why do I like Nakshi Kantha or ordinary kantha. If you can do it taking help from your English text book, then you are welcome. If you cannot make it done, then you can watch our assignment answer and solution for the Nakshi Kantha Assignment section. You can also read the answer of how to make pudding recipe assignment or that of firni or khichuri from below link.

class 8 assignment english 2021 5th5t week

Download Class Eight Assignment Full Answer PDF

Firni Recipe Assignment
Pudding Recipe Assignment
Firni Recipe Assignment in English
Nakshi Kantha Assignment– Why Do I Like Nakshi Kantha
BGS Assignment Class 8 Answer
BGS assignment answer has also reached to us and we have given it online instantly. Our beloved students will find it very handy when they will their bagnladesh and global studies assignment.

class 7 assignment 2021 bgs 5th  week

5th week Class 8 Assignment Bangla Answer

We have also tried to provide solution for the class 8 Bangla answer. The Bangla answer for the class eight students in the assignment task is an issue of your original text book. Therefore, you second take your text book into second way of solution your 8 assignment. Here, our team has attempted to give the answer for the class 8 questions with the possible solution. You can download the assignment for your 8 classes with subtle information.

Class eight assignment for your class could be valuable for your at this present context. second find out what is relevant for you on this website and get the important section download. Download your Bangla Assignment Class 8 Answer and Syllabus from this link.

class 8 Bangla assignment 5th week 2021 

Click Here To Get Class Eight Bangla Assignment Answer

ICT Assignment Class 8 Answer

Information Communication and Technology, widely known as ICT in almost every country people in the world, assignment syllabus and answer is available for students. On November 05, the directorate of secondary and higher education in Bangladesh has decreed the ICT assignment syllabus for class students. The class 8 students are scheduled to submit their ICT assignments within this existing week. Therefore, our class eight students have a very short time in order to submit the assignment.

Only one chapter is assigned for the class 8 ICT assignments that has at least seven lessons. In the assigned task, the directorate has also fixed how the students will write their assignment. The main focus in the assignment will be the importance of information communication and technology. You need to focus on তথ্য ও যোগাযোগ প্রযুক্তি রচনা in your assignment. The beginning of the question is একজন ব্যক্তি সরকারের গৃহীত তথ্য ও যোগাযোগ ভিত্তিক সেবা থেকে কিভাবে সহযোগিতা পেতে পারেন। So, get you answer for the selective class assignment PDF file.


5th Week Class 8 Assignment 2021

DSHE has published a list of instructions regarding the assessment process on 10 March 2021. In line with the notice, students will get the assignment every week on the official website. And the need to submit the answer within the next week. You will get the detailed instruction afterwards.

We Provide You Class 8 English Assignment Answer From you Text book. On March 16, the directorate of secondary and higher education has circulated its 1st week assignment for class 8 students. In the 1st phase of the assignment, the students have to complete the write up from English textbook.

Science Class 8 Assignment Answer

As there are several subjects in the assignment for the students of the science group, we will make surfing as simple as possible. We have uploaded all the answers to the science assignment for class 8 here. Click on the answer and download it from here.

See the Answer from Here

Class 8 Art and Craft Assignment Answer 2021

Art and Craft Assignment Answer 5th Week of Class 8. Check The assignment task and answer from Below.

Math Assignment Answer Class 8

Mathematics is The Hardest Subject For Students of Class 8. They are Facing Problem to Solve The Question. So, we provide you Class 8 math Assignment Answer at here. we have come forward to help them. Our expert teacher team has prepared Solution of class 8 math assignment.

As per age-old tradition, math is one of the most crucial subjects for class 8. As this is the basis of the next level math in higher classes, students should treat this subject with care. Here is the solution for the math assignment of class 8 this week.

Get All Question Answer Math Assignment [Click link]

Agriculture Assignment Answer Class 8

Another part of the assignment, the answer to the agriculture assignment is here. We have made it in such a way that you can utilize it to make your assignment look better and be correct all around. To download the answer, click here.

Assignment Answer 4rd Week

English Class 8 Assignment Answer

To endure the English assignment, students might need some special guidance from experienced teachers. As the schools are closed, students can take the help of our carefully created answer to the English assignment for this week. Here you go.


Class 8 Assignment Answer BGS 2nd Week

After publishing the Class Eight Assignment Syllabus and Question, the Class 8 students are searching for 100% correct answer for Bangladesh And Global Studies Assignment Class 8. So, staying with us and regally visit our website.


Check Answer Here

Class 8 Bangla Assignment Answer
At This Section, You Will Get Bangla Assignment Answer For Class Eight. So, if You Find 1st Week Class 8 Bangla Assignment Answer, Just See Below and Get it

You should write the answer to the Bangla assignment as creative as you can. But often students lack the patience to complete the assignment. So, here is the answer to the Bangla assignment for class 8 this week. Download the answer directly from here.

Bangla Assignment Answer 2021

Assignment Class 8 4tht Week

Islam and Moral Education Class 8 Assignment Answer 2021 Has been Published. you Will Provide you Class 8 Islam and Moral Education Assignment Answer 2021 at below.

English Class 8 Assignment Answer
To endure the English assignment, students might need some special guidance from experienced teachers. As the schools are closed, students can take the help of our carefully created answer to the English assignment for this week. Here you go.

Class 8 ICT Assignment

ICT is The Another Subject of Class 8. So, you Can Collect The Assignment Answer from below For Every Week. We are here to provide you the assignment task and solution in the PDF format.

How To Submit Assignment Answer?
In the new notice regarding the assignment, DSHE has instructed on how to submit assignment answers properly. Please read the following steps carefully to submit your assignment answer.

Check the official website of the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education for all the relevant information.
DSHE will publish all the assignments two days before the next week.
Students need to complete the assigned tasks within the week and submit their work to the school.
Then, they can take new assignments either directly or online.
DSHE has also instructed to maintain social distancing while providing or accepting assignments.
This assignment answer for class 8 is nothing discrete. We are continuously uploading assignment answers for all the classes in secondary school to help them complete the assignments within the deadline. As there will be no exam until further notice, students should take these assignments seriously and give their best to perform well.

Download Class 8 Assignment Answer PDF

For your convenience,



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